Welcome to the MCTC2NKU Transfer Site
Today's job market requires workers to have more education and skills than ever before.
This site is provided to offer transfer assistance for students working toward the completion of an associate degree at MCTC who plan to transfer to Northern Kentucky University. Please contact your advisor or Transfer Coordinator for more information.
Pathways to Degree Completion
The Pathways are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to NKU to complete their baccalaureate degree. Pathways also constitute an agreement between community colleges and universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. See the complete list of available pathways.
Program Benefits
- Assigned academic advisors at both NKU and MCTC
- Access to NKU events and facilities (e.g., sporting events, Recreation Center)
- Up to four NKU classes at the MCTC tuition rate
- Transfer Coordinator to assist in transitioning
- Access to NKU resources (e.g., Library, Tutoring)
Program Requirements
- Planned transfer to NKU
- Enrollment at MCTC
- Minimum 2.0 GPA
- Interest in pursuing a major in one of the designed Pathways
For more information contact:
Marty Muenks
Transfer Coordinator
(606) 759-7141 ext. 66410
Schedule a meeting with Marty