Success Coaches
MCTC has designated Success Coaches on each campus available to all current students. These coaches help provide a positive and successful learning experience for students in an effort to increase student persistence, success, and completion. The Success Coaches work closely with students to help them develop skills that will benefit their academic, professional and/or personal success.
Marty Muenks - Licking Valley Campus
Schedule an Appointment with Marty
(859) 569-4766
Mary Breeze - Maysville Campus
Schedule an Appointment with Mary
(606) 301-6169
Valerie Mullins - Maysville Campus
Health Science Success Coach
Schedule an Appointment with Valerie
(606) 301-6051
Christy Kissick - Rowan Campus
Schedule an Appointment with Christy
(606) 780-6340
Austin Anderson - Montgomery Campus
Success Coach
Schedule an Appointment with Austin
(859) 274-9369
Jacey Mann - Montgomery and Rowan Campuses
Health Science Success Coach
Schedule an Appointment with Jacey
(606) 780-6369