Placement Testing & Assessment
MCTC provides placement testing and assessment services for currently-enrolled MCTC students and new students who have an active MCTC admissions application on file.
MCTC administers the KYOTE (for Mathematics) and TABE (for English and Reading) placement exams for students who do not have entrance test scores or do not have the requisite scores. Please note that scores used as part of your admissions file for the purpose of placement into classes may not be more than 4 years old.
If you are in need of additional testing services, such as proctored, preadmission or certification exams, please contact the testing center at your home campus.
Please click here to schedule a testing appointment at your campus:
Licking Valley Campus: https://go.oncehub.com/LVCtesting
Coordinator: Xavier Carter: (859) 569-4773
Maysville Campus: https://go.oncehub.com/maysvilletesting
Coordinator: Jerry Morrison: (606) 301-6191
Montgomery Campus: https://go.oncehub.com/montgomerytesting
Coordinator: Becky Bliss: (859) 274-9642
Rowan Campus: https://go.oncehub.com/rowantesting
Ida Robertson: (606) 780-6327
- Writing - https://is.gd/octccollegewriting
- Reading - https://is.gd/octccollegereading
- Math - https://www.kyote.org/mc/placementPractice.aspx
Computer Literacy Exam
The KCTCS Computer Literacy Exams are now available for interested, qualified students. In order to take the exams, you must be accepted for admission to the College.
Students may satisfy the computer literacy requirement by taking a computer literacy class (CIS100, IT100, or OST105, depending upon your major) or by passing all three parts of the IC3 Computer Literacy Exam. The student must show proficiency in word processing, spreadsheets and basic computer terminology. Upon successful completion of the three exams, a grade of (P) Pass will be assigned. No class credit is awarded.
Students wishing to take the exam to receive three hours of credit for their computer literacy class, i.e. CIS 100, will need to take an additional database exam.
Students may take a online self-assessment to help them decide whether to take the exam.
To take the exams, vouchers must be purchased from the MCTC Barnes and Noble Bookstore for $88.30. These vouchers cannot be returned. To schedule an appointment for testing, call Jerry Morrison, or (606) 301-6191. On the day of the exam, the student must bring the voucher packet and a photo ID to the Assessment Center, Rm. A-305. After testing, the student will take the exam results to Student Records for transcript purposes.