Prior Learning Assessments
The Prior Learning Assessment at Maysville Community & Technical College is designed to award credit for college-level learning derived from experiences outside the classroom.
There are a number of methods for granting college credit for prior learning, including:
- Recognized industry certifications
- Advanced Placement (AP) exams
- College Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams
- Special Technical Education Proficiency (STEP) exams
- Prior Learning Assessment Portfolio
See the industry certifications and professional licensures that are currently accepted at KCTCS and the maximum credit that can be awarded for each. Requirements for the awarding of prior learning credit through industry based credentials vary by discipline, and you should be aware of the particular requirements for your program area. Please speak with your advisor about the options available.
Learning acquired through the following kinds of activities might qualify:
- Non-credit courses, workshops, on-line, television and newspaper courses
- Apprenticeship courses
- Self-taught knowledge or skills
- Career/work experiences and training
- Volunteer work
- Community services
- Travel
- Avocations, e.g., art, music, dramatics
- Leadership roles in associations and organizations
- Personal life experiences
- Industry certification
Make an appointment with your advisor to discuss the portfolio development process. You will need to develop a portfolio to document that you have met each of the student learning competencies for the course(s) in which you are seeking credit. Faculty will assess competencies and determine whether additional documentation is required before making the final determination.
- It's less expensive.
- You pay $375 for a portfolio assessment of 15 credit hours (five 3-credit courses).
- It speeds up graduation
- A 30-credit hour certificate program that typically takes a year could be completed in one semester by a student who earned 15 hours through prior learning assessment.
- NOTE: You should create a portfolio only when seeking at least 3 hours of credit for prior learning.
A portfolio is a collection of materials that describes and documents prior learning. Knowledge, skills and/or competencies must be documented for the course(s) for which credit is applied. The portfolio is developed under the direction of the MCTC's professional staff and is evaluated by the faculty for award of credit.