Information Literacy | MCTC

Information Literacy

Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to "recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information." - from the Association of College and Research Libraries.

Kentucky's Statewide General Education Student Learning Outcomes are mapped to the American Association of Colleges and Universities' (AAC&U) Liberal Education for America's Promise (LEAP) Essential Learning Outcomes - as a guiding vision and national benchmarks for college learning and liberal education in the 21st Century.

KCTCS General Education Competency Statements and General Education Requirements that pertain to information literacy include:

  1. Intellectual and practical skills, including
    • inquiry and analysis,
    • critical and creative thinking,
    • written and oral communication,
    • quantitative literacy,
    • information literacy,
    • teamwork and problem solving
  2. Written Communication & Oral Communication: Find, analyze, evaluate, and cite pertinent primary and secondary sources, including academic databases, to prepare speeches and written texts.

General Library Tutorials

Find MCTC Library tutorials. If you would like a specific course or subject library guide created, contact a librarian at (606) 301-6190!