Rights and Responsibilities for Financial Aid Recipients
As a student receiving financial aid at MCTC, it is your responsibility to know and
comply with
the rules governing the aid you receive. Below is a listing of certain rights to which
you are
entitled, and certain obligations for which you are responsible as an aid recipient
at MCTC.
Rights of All Aid Recipients
As a student receiving financial aid at MCTC, you have the right to:
- Know that the information pertaining to your financial aid application and awards
kept confidential as mandated by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). - Know the cost to attend (add link to COA) MCTC, (including fees, books, room/board,
personal expenses, and transportation). - Seek financial aid counseling.
- Know what financial aid programs are available at MCTC including all federal, state, and
institutional aid programs. - Know the application procedures and deadlines for each of the available programs.
- Know how your financial aid was determined, including what resources (such as assets,
earnings, parental contribution, etc.) were considered in the calculation of your
expected family contribution (EFC). - Know how much of your financial aid is loan and how much is grant. If the award is
a loan, you have the right to know the amount which must be repaid, the interest rate,
the amount of each payment, the length of time you have to repay, and when
repayment will begin. - Know if a lender transfers (i.e. sells) your student loan. You must be sent a notification
telling you to whom you must make payments. - Receive a copy of your completed Master Promissory Note from your lender.
- Prepay a loan without penalty. This means that you, at any time, may pay in full the
balance and any interest due without being charged a penalty by the lender for early
payment. - Know if you cannot meet a loan repayment schedule. You may request forbearance
from the lender under which the payments may be reduced for a specific period of time. - Know if you are borrowing money. You assume the responsibility for repaying the loan.
If circumstances arise that make if difficult to meet this responsibility, you should
contact your lender. - Know if you or your parent receives a Title IV loan. The loan information will be
submitted to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and will be accessible by
guaranty agencies, lenders and schools determined to be authorized users of the data
system. - Know your application will be evaluated using the same system of need analysis applied
to all students. - Know what portion of your calculated financial need will be met.
- Know how your financial aid will be disbursed.
- Accept or decline any of your financial aid awards.
- Know the financial aid repayment (this should be hyperlinked to the Return to Title
policy) and refund policy. - Know the required work hours, job duties, rate of pay and how and when pay is
received if offered a Federal Work Study job. - How the Office of Financial Aid determines whether you are making satisfactory
academic progress, and what happens if you are not. - You have the right to receive a full and clear explanation of financial aid decisions.
- Know you have the right to submit a written appeal requesting reconsideration of your
financial aid eligibility. If there has been a substantial loss of family income or benefits
since you filed your FAFSA, you should contact the MCTC Financial Aid Office and
request a Special Circumstances Form.
Responsibilities of All Aid Recipients
As a student receiving financial aid at MCTC, you have certain legal responsibilities to:
- Complete all applications and forms accurately.
- Comply with all financial aid application deadlines.
- Reapply for financial aid each year you are enrolled at MCTC, and wish to be considered
for financial aid; must be aware of deadlines for reapplication for aid. - Provide correct information. Misrepresented information on financial aid applications
and forms is a violation of federal law and may be considered a criminal offense that
could result in indictment under the US Criminal Code. - Read and understand all documents you are asked to sign and keep copies for your
records. - Accept responsibility for all agreements that you sign.
- Return any additional documentation and new information requested by the Office of
Financial Aid. - Request assistance if you have questions or don't understand the information provided
to you. - Check your Student Self Service page on a regular basis to ensure there are no
outstanding items on your To-Do List. - Notify the College of any name or address changes.
- Know and comply with the rules governing your financial aid awards.
- Notify the Office of Financial Aid if you drop below full-time enrollment during any
semester. Full-time enrollment is 12 units for undergraduates. - Notify the Office of Financial Aid of any financial aid awards you receive from outside
resources (including scholarships, grants, Veteran's Benefits, tuition waivers, or other
educational/tuition assistance) not already listed on your Financial Aid Award Summary. - Perform the work that you have agreed upon in accepting Federal Work Study.
(Work order sent to edit current page under this hyperlink document 10-Federal Work
Study) - Seek advice from a tax professional to determine if any portion of grants, fellowships,
scholarships are considered taxable income. - Complete Loan Entrance Counseling and an electronic Master Promissory Note if you
are a first-time borrower of Stafford loans. - Complete Stafford Loan Exit Counseling before you graduate, transfer, or withdraw from
MCTC (if you have borrowed a Federal Direct Stafford Loan). - Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress.
- Attend classes and complete requirements for all courses in which you enroll.
- Use financial aid for educational expenses incurred while attending MCTC.
- Repay any overaward of financial aid. (NEW page titled 11-Overawards)
- Repay financial aid funds if it was determined that you are ineligible to receive them.
- Be aware of the school's refund policy. (work order sent to add financial aid
disbursement and refund dates to this page) - If you receive a loan, you must notify the lender if any of the following occurs before
loan is repaid:- Graduation
- Withdrawal from school or less than half-time enrollment
- Change of address
- Name change
- Transfer to other school
- In borrowing money, you assume the responsibility for repaying the loan. If circumstances arise that make it difficult to meet this responsibility, you should contact your lender.
Additional Responsibilities of Federal Work-Study (FWS) Recipients
If you have accepted Federal Work Study (FWS) as part of your financial aid awards,
you have
the following responsibilities:
- Complete all necessary employee hiring forms.
- Maintain the work schedule you and your supervisor agree to.
- Complete all work assignments to the best of your ability.
- Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times.
- Notify your supervisor if you cannot report to work.
- Not working during your scheduled class times.
- Carefully monitor your earnings so you don't exceed your award for the academic year.
- Maintain enrollment in at least 6 units each semester while participating in the FWS
program. - Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress including a 2.0 GPA.