Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress | MCTC


All MCTC campuses will operate remotely Tuesday, January 21 due to winter weather conditions. All campus buildings will be closed. Student services will be available by phone or email. Instruction will take place remotely. If students have question about assignments or remote instruction, please contact your instructors.

Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress

Maintaining Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is a Federal Financial Aid requirement. You are awarded aid with the understanding that you will maintain a minimum of a 2.0 GPA, successfully complete 67% of the credit hours you attempt, and complete your credential within certain timeframe limits. You can check out all the details in our SAP policy on the Satisfactory Academic Progress page.

Appealing your SAP status

You may have failed to meet the SAP requirements due to mitigating or extenuating circumstances. If that is the case you should submit a SAP Appeal Request through your Student Self-Service. You will find it under the Tasks Tile in your TO-DO list. SAP Appeal Requests are reviewed by a college Appeals Review Committee.

1. Log into using your KCTCS Login Username and Password. *Username example: JSMITH0001 

2. Select the Task Tile from your Home Page.

Task Tile Location on the Home Page.

3. Select the task SAP Appeal OnBase.

SAP Appeal OnBase selection.

4. Click the Link Provided in the popup, this will take you to the OnBase Sign in page.

Pop up link to the OnBase sign in page.

5. This will take you to the OnBase Sign in page, log in using your KCTCS Login Username and Password. *Please note to enter the same username (example JSMITH0001) and password as used to access PeopleSoft. Do not use email for the ID. 

OnBase login page.

6. You may now start your SAP appeal.

7. Page 1, contains general SAP information along with the your Student ID, Name, and Major/program.

General SAP information page.

8. You will need to select the term you are applying for from the drop down,

Term selection drom down menu.

9. If the home college listed is not the Home College you will be attending during the term you are applying for, select the correct one from the drop down.

Home College selection drop down menu.

10. Click the "Click to Continue to Page 2.

Continue to page 2 button.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form

11. Page 2 contains your SAP Information, review carefully, and click Continue to Page 3 when ready.

Continue to page 3 button.

Page three of Satisfactory Acadmeic Progress Appeal form.

12. Page 2 contains information about how to appeal and what is needed for an appeal, review carefully, and click Continue to Page 4 when ready.

Continue to page 4 button.

13. Pages 4 and 5, are for you to provide answers in as much detail as possible for the following questions:

 1. What happened during the time you failed to meet satisfactory academic progress?

 2. Provide a solid resolution to your circumstance and explain your plan to be successful moving forward in your academics.

When done with each page click the continue bottom at the bottom to move to the next page.

14. On Page 5, will be where you will upload any supporting documentation you may have. To attach the documentation, click SAP Supporting Documents.

Page five of the SAP form.

15. After uploading supporting documentation or when ready to submit your appeal, Check the Box that reads "*By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have read each item in the acknowledgement section.*

SAP appeal checkbox.

16. Confirm the Signature and Date are correct, then Click the "Submit" button.

Documentation Requirements

Now that you have completed your appeal, you will need to provide documentation that supports the extenuating or mitigating circumstance you listed in your appeal. Here are some examples of acceptable documentation. Be sure to email this documentation to the Financial Aid Department email at

The document requirements for some situations are listed below. Documentation must match the time frame in which you are explaining in your appeal. If you have any questions, please email

Extenuating or Extraordinary Circumstance Documentation

Please note that being young and inexperienced is not an extenuating circumstance. Additionally, you may not appeal based on the difficulty of a course or subject matter, nor a personality conflict with an instructor.

The following table provides some examples of Extenuating or Extraordinary Circumstances with examples of appropriate documentation. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list.

Circumstance Documentation Required

Student’s illness (mental or physical), hospitalization, injury, or disability.

Note that financial aid requirements differ from academic requirements. Federal regulations require the prognosis relating to the lack of academic progress (see Documentation Required at the right). Please do not submit pages of medical records and physician visit notes: carefully review the information at the right and have the medical provider summarize and provide as requested. 

Written documentation from health care provider detailing:

  • Approximate date of onset of the illness, injury, or disability-giving rise to the circumstance surrounding the appeal and the dates through such condition continued.
  • The general nature of the illness, or disability that prevents or prevented you from meeting the progress standards.
  • The date on which you were or anticipated being able to resume your eligibility for financial aid.
  • The prognosis for being able to medically meet standards now or documentation of accommodations being received to compensate for the illness, injury, or disability.
Illness, accident, or injury of a significant person in the student’s life Provide documentation (e.g., physician’s statement, police report, or documentation form a third party professional) relating to the individual for whom the student provided care or support and proof of the student’s relation to that person
Death of a family member or significant person in the student’s life. Provide a copy of an obituary or death certificate and proof of the student’s relation to that person.
The student’s own divorce or separation of the divorce of the student’s parents. Provide an attorney’s letter on law firms letterhead, petition of dissolution, or copy of divorce decree.
Personal problems other than the student’s own mental or physical illness, injury, or disability, issues with the student’s spouse, family, roommate, or other significant person in the student’s life. Provide court documentation, police reports, written statement from an attorney, professional advisor, or other individual describing the circumstances and proof of the student’s relation to that person.
Victimization of a violent crime. Provide police reports or a written statement and/or supporting documents.