Physical Therapist Assistant Program Program Financial Fact Sheet | MCTC

All Campuses Remote on Wednesday, February 19

Due to winter weather, all MCTC campuses will operate remotely on Wednesday, February 19. All campus buildings will be closed. Student services and classes will operate remotely. If you have questions about coursework, please contact your instructors.

Physical Therapist Assistant Program Program Financial Fact Sheet


The data applies to students experiencing the program between Jan. 1, 2024 - Dec. 31, 2024. Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 62
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 64

Clinical Education

Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students need to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend  NO

Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel, and food during clinical education. Programs should add any additional comments about clinical education here.

Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students in the Jan. 1, 2024 - Dec. 31, 2024. Annual costs are estimates and subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs

Student Costs
Student Costs Year 1 Year 2 Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-district, or In-state Student: 3,024 4,536 7,560
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out-of-district, or Out-of-state student: 4,160 6,240 10,400
Annual Tuition Private Institution Student: NA NA NA
Annual institutional fees for a full-time student in the technical phase of the program[Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.] 128 192 320
Total expected cost of other program- related expenses [Includes: required texts, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.] 1,714 1,965 3,679
Total Cost of the Program [Includes: tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire technical program.] 4,866 In-State

(6,002 Out)
6,693 In-State

(8,397 Out)
11,559 In-State

(14,399 Out)

Note: We encourage students to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: 

Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to PTA students. NO
Does the program/institution offers scholarships specific to PTA students. NO
Does the program offer federal work-study positions specific to PTA students. NO

Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT. Please contact the program for further information.

We encourage APTA student members to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at

Student Debt Summary

(CAPTE does not require programs with ten or less graduates in calendar year 2023 to complete this section.)

Average student debt from the PTA Program technical phase for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2024. No data provided due to 10 or less graduating students

Average student debt after completing the PTA program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 - Dec 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt. No data provided due to 10 or less graduating students