High School vs. College | MCTC

All Campuses Remote on Wednesday, February 19

Due to winter weather, all MCTC campuses will operate remotely on Wednesday, February 19. All campus buildings will be closed. Student services and classes will operate remotely. If you have questions about coursework, please contact your instructors.

High School vs. College

HOW Dual Credit Courses ARE Different from High School Courses

College differs from high school in many ways. The biggest difference is in how you manage your time. In high school, your time is mostly managed by other people—your parents, teachers, counselors and other adults. In college, you will be responsible for keeping track of your assignments, due dates and upcoming tests.


Here are some of the key differences. 

In High School:

  • You must go to high school
  • Others structure your time
  • Teachers remind you of responsibilities 
In College:
  • College is voluntary
  • You structure your time
  • You must balance your responsibilities

In High School:

  • Homework may take as little as two hours a week
  • Assignments are discussed and often re-taught in class
  • Your teachers tell you what you need to learn from assignments 
In College:
  • Expect to study two to three hours a week for each class hour
  • Assignments may not be directly addressed in class
  • You must read and understand the assigned material for yourself

In High School:

  • Frequent tests covering smaller amounts of material
  • Makeup tests are often possible
  • Test dates are often rearranged to avoid conflict with events or other courses
  • Learning goals typically focus on the ability to reproduce what you were taught or to solve the kinds of problems you were shown how to solve 
In College:
  • Infrequent tests that may cover a great deal of material
  • Makeup tests are rarely possible
  • Tests are scheduled without regard to the demands of other courses or activities
  • Learning goals typically focus on applying what you have learned to new situations or solving new kinds of problems

In High School:

  • Given for most assigned work
  • Good homework grades may help raise overall grade when test grades are low
  • Extra credit is often available to boost your grade
  • Test grades at the start of the semester may not affect final grade 
In College:
  • May not be given for all work
  • Grades on tests and major papers usually provide most of the course grade
  • Extra credit is not typically offered
  • Initial tests are often used as “wake-up calls” for expectations 

In High School:

  • You spend 30 hours in class every week
  • The school year is 36 weeks long; some classes extend over both semesters and some do not
  • Teachers carefully monitor attendance
  • You are provided with textbooks at little or no cost 
In College:
  • You spend 12 to 16 hours in classes each week
  • The academic year is traditionally divided into two separate 16-week semesters
  • Professors may or may not take attendance
  • You will have to pay for textbooks 

In High School:

  • Review your homework
  • Remind you about incomplete work
  • Approach you if they think you need help
  • Are often available before or after class
  • Have been trained as teachers
  • Help you catch up after an absence 
In College:
  • May not always review completed homework
  • May not remind you of incomplete work
  • Expect you to ask for help if you need it
  • Expect you to attend scheduled office hours if you need help or feedback
  • Have been trained as experts in their academic discipline
  • Expect you to ask your classmates to help you catch up after an absence