Dual Credit Billing and Scholarship Information | MCTC

All Campuses Remote on Wednesday, February 19

Due to winter weather, all MCTC campuses will operate remotely on Wednesday, February 19. All campus buildings will be closed. Student services and classes will operate remotely. If you have questions about coursework, please contact your instructors.

Dual Credit Billing and Scholarship Information

Your grades affect not only your high school and college GPA, but also your financial aid and scholarship opportunities after high school.

Frequently Asked Questions

Review your bill closely and see if all of your scholarships have been applied. If not, contact your high school counselor. If so, pay your balance due through your Student Self-Service portal or by calling the college at (606) 759-7141 (ask for the campus business office).
Please contact your student’s high school counselor to ensure that your KHEAA scholarships have been submitted.
Log into the Student Self-Service with a KCTCS username and password. For detailed instructions, please visit the Student Training and Learning Center.

You have several options:

  • You can pay online by logging into the Student Self-Service with a KCTCS username and password. For detailed instructions, please visit the Student Training and Learning Center.
  • You can pay over the phone by calling the campus nearest to you:
    • Licking Valley Campus Business Office: (859) 569-4756
    • Maysville Campus Business Office: (606) 301-6013
    • Montgomery Campus Business Office: (859) 274-9623
    • Rowan Campus Business Office: (606) 780-6315
  • You are always welcome to visit the campus nearest to you and pay in person.
A digital content fee is the course materials needed for the class.
The KHEAA scholarships will only cover the tuition for the class. Unfortunately, the KHEAA scholarships don’t cover the cost of textbooks, course materials, or fees.
The tuition rate for Dual Credit courses is established through the Kentucky legislature. It is currently set at 1/2 (50%) of the KCTCS in-state tuition cost. Most of the general education classes are 3-4 credit hours and most of the technical classes are 3-5 credit hours depending on a lab.

Yes, KHEAA scholarships are available to Dual Credit students. High school students are eligible for Dual Credit and Work Ready scholarships. Homeschool students are eligible for Dual Credit scholarships only.

Due dates change every semester based on when classes begin, please make arrangements to pay your bill when received.

Yes, please contact an MCTC Business Office representative to learn more about our payment plan options:

  • Licking Valley Campus Representative: (859) 569-4756
  • Maysville Campus Representative: (606) 301-6013
  • Montgomery Campus Representative: (859) 274-9623
  • Rowan Campus Representative: (606) 780-6315
Yes, the grades you earned as an MCTC Dual Credit student will be sent to your school to be added to your school transcript. As a Dual Credit student, you will also have an MCTC transcript.

If a student decides they want to drop a Dual Credit class, they will need to meet with their high school counselor to complete the paperwork. Based on the timing of the request, the student will still be responsible for the tuition of the class and fees.

Failure to pay the student account will result in a financial hold being placed on the student account. This hold will prevent the student from registering for future classes until paid in full.

As soon as the student is enrolled in the course the high school will verify the student and the class. Then the student will set their preferences by applying for their KHEAA scholarships. Once this step is completed, KHEAA will review and approve the scholarship and send it to KCTCS, and then the scholarship will be sent to MCTC to be applied to the student account.