Interested In Teaching for Workforce Solutions? | MCTC

All Campuses Remote on Wednesday, February 19

Due to winter weather, all MCTC campuses will operate remotely on Wednesday, February 19. All campus buildings will be closed. Student services and classes will operate remotely. If you have questions about coursework, please contact your instructors.

Interested In Teaching for Workforce Solutions?

The Workforce Solutions Department at MCTC plays a major role in helping businesses in central Kentucky train new employees, upskill their current workforce, and assist in employee recruitment. This creates an ongoing need for instructors for Workforce Solutions in many areas. 

Needs for instructors may be in various areas such as:

  • Technical Training which may include welding, industrial maintenance, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, blueprint reading, safety, robotics, OSHA, and more
  • Professional Skills including information technology, human resources, LEAN/Six Sigma, healthcare, supervisory skills, leadership, management, communication skills and others.
    These are part-time positions with competitive pay!  Schedules and teaching locations will vary according to the project needs. If you think your skill set matches any of our needs, we'd love to talk to you!

Please send your resume along with a brief summary of your interests/skills to:

MCTC Workforce Solutions
c/o De'Sarae Perry
1755 U.S. Hwy 68
Maysville, KY 41056

Or via e-mail to