Program Advisors | MCTC

All Campuses Remote on Wednesday, February 19

Due to winter weather, all MCTC campuses will operate remotely on Wednesday, February 19. All campus buildings will be closed. Student services and classes will operate remotely. If you have questions about coursework, please contact your instructors.

Program Advisors

Associate in Arts Advisors
Name Area Link to Schedule an Appointment Campus Phone Number
Tony Boyd AAS-Education Schedule with Tony Maysville (606) 301-6178
Tabatha Butler AAS-Human Services Schedule with Tabatha Maysville/All (606) 301-6209
Tina Curtis AA-Communication Schedule with Tina Maysville (606) 301-6200
Brittaney Harp AA-Business Transfer Schedule with Brittaney Maysville (606) 301-6109
John Klee AA-Business Transfer Schedule with John Maysville (606) 301-6106
Dallas McKinney AAS-Criminal Justice Schedule with Dallas Montgomery/All (859) 274-9635
Dr. Jerry Napier AA-History Schedule with Jerry Licking Valley (859) 569-4759
Garon Overley AA-English Schedule with Garon Rowan (606) 780-6368
Deri Pryor AA-English Schedule with Deri Montgomery (859) 274-9646
Mary Jane Sharp AA-Psychology Schedule with Mary Jane Maysville (606) 301-6187
Melinda Walker AA-Psychology Schedule with Melinda Licking Valley (859) 569-4768
Brianna Whitten AA-English Schedule with Brianna Maysville (606) 301-6171
Dr. Aaron McCullough AA-English Schedule with Aaron Licking Valley (859) 569-4751
Associate in Science Advisors
Name Area Link to Schedule an Appointment Campus Phone Extension
Jennifer Adler Science Schedule with Jennifer A. Licking Valley (859) 569-4758
Elizabeth Dement Science Schedule with Liz Rowan (606) 780-6356
Kyle Franz Mathematics Schedule with Kyle Montgomery (859) 274-9636
Dr. Angela Fultz Division Chair Schedule with Angela Rowan (606) 301-6133
Charles Lykins Mathematics Schedule with Charles Montgomery (859) 274-9634
Elena May Mathematics Schedule with Elena Rowan (606) 780-6358
John Scott Miller Science Schedule with John Scott Maysville (606) 301-6136
Brenda Moore Mathematics Schedule with Brenda Licking Valley (859) 569-5754
Marty Muenks Mathematics Schedule with Marty Licking Valley (859) 569-4766
Channing Richardson Science Schedule with Channing Rowan (606) 780-6305
Dr. Christopher Sears Mathematics Schedule with Christopher Maysville (606) 301-6154
Thomas Sloas Science Schedule with Thomas Montgomery (859) 274-9644
Justin Weiss Science Schedule with Justin Maysville (606) 301-6128
Sharon Wilson Science Schedule with Sharon Maysville (606) 301-6170
Rena Zanakis Mathematics Schedule with Rena Maysville (606) 301-6194
Business & Related Technologies Advisors
Name Area Link to Schedule an Appointment Campus Phone Extension
Trevor Applegate CIT Schedule with Trevor Maysville (606) 301-6139
Melissa Bishop AOT, MIT Schedule with Missy Maysville (859) 569-4769
Barbara Goldman Culinary Arts Schedule with Barbara Maysville (606) 564-9992
Daphne Hilterbrand Business Studies Schedule with Daphne Rowan (606) 780-6333
Natasha Maddox BAS-Accounting, Human Resource Schedule with Natasha Maysville (606) 301-6162
Mike McNutt CIT Schedule with Mike Maysville (606) 301-6145
Wendy Noble

Real Estate

Schedule with Wendy Maysville (606) 301-6160
Jennifer Ouderkirk AOT, MIT Schedule with Jennifer O. Rowan (859) 274-9631
Terry Pasley CIT Schedule with Terry Maysville (606) 301-6153
Rebecca Pugh Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Ed Schedule with Rebecca Maysville/All (606) 301-6121
Sharon Staviski CIT Schedule with Sharon Rowan (606) 780-6318
Tara Thornberry BAS-Management Schedule with Tara Maysville (606) 301-6132
Health Sciences Advisors
Name Area Link to Schedule an Appointment Campus Phone Extension
Hillary Poe RN   Licking Valley (859) 569-4776
Tammy Burns LPN Schedule with Tammy Maysville (606) 301-6079
Brandi Chapman RN Schedule with Brandi Licking Valley (859) 569-4753
Lauren Donovan PTA Schedule with Lauren Montgomery (859) 274-9622

Alex Watt

RN Schedule with Alex Maysville (606) 301-6052
Jennifer Garner RN Schedule with Jennifer G. Rowan (606) 780-6361
Dawn Greenfield LPN Schedule with Dawn Rowan (606) 780-6331
Neil Crossen RN Schedule with Neil Maysville (606) 301-6181
Julia McGowan RN Schedule with Julia Maysville (606) 301-6150
Melanie Morris RN Schedule with Melanie Licking Valley (859) 569-4767
Emily Norris PTA Schedule with Emily Montgomery (859) 274-9626
Diana Reeder Medical Assisting Schedule with Diana Rowan (606) 780-6363
Kim Stauffer PN Schedule with Kim Maysville (606) 301-6179
Michelle Thoroughman MLT Schedule with Michelle Maysville (606) 301-6077
Jacquelyn Tumlin MNA/NAA Schedule with Jacquelyn Maysville (606) 301-6144
Jennifer Mawk RN Schedule with Jennifer M. Montgomery (859) 274-9638
Donnie Fryman HST Schedule with Donnie Maysville (606) 301-6123
Harley Wenz RN Schedule with Harley Maysville (606) 301-6161
Marlene Vice Respiratory Care Schedule with Marlene Rowan (606) 780-6308
Industrial Technologies Advisors
Name Area Link to Schedule an Appointment Campus Phone Extension
Kenneth Barnett CMM Schedule with Kenneth Rowan (606) 780-6336
Robbie Graves Industrial Maintenance Schedule with Robbie Maysville (859) 274-9621
Robert Hamm HVAC Schedule with Rob Rowan (606) 780-6373
David Hatton Industrial Maintenance Schedule with David Maysville (859) 274-9647
Adam Hawkins HVAC Schedule with Adam Montgomery (859) 274-9629
Todd Johnson Automotive Schedule with Todd Rowan (606) 780-6346
Ryan Morgan Welding Schedule with Ryan Maysville (606) 301-6159
Gordon Jones Industrial Maintenance Schedule with Gordon Rowan (606) 301-6151
Tyler Newsom Welding Schedule with Tyler Rowan (606) 780-6347
Preston Netherly Diesel Schedule with Preston Rowan (606) 780-6341
Nicholas Pecco Welding Schedule with Nick Rowan (606) 780-6348
Brandin Perkins Electrical Schedule with Brandin Rowan (606) 780-6343
TJ Wallace Construction Schedule with Terry W. Rowan (606) 780-6332
Transfer Advisors
Name Link to Schedule an Appointment Campus Phone Extension
Martha Muenks Schedule with Marty Maysville (859) 569-4766