Program Advisors
Name | Area | Link to Schedule an Appointment | Campus | Phone Number |
Tony Boyd | AAS-Education | Schedule with Tony | Maysville | (606) 301-6178 |
Tabatha Butler | AAS-Human Services | Schedule with Tabatha | Maysville/All | (606) 301-6209 |
Tina Curtis | AA-Communication | Schedule with Tina | Maysville | (606) 301-6200 |
Brittaney Harp | AA-Business Transfer | Schedule with Brittaney | Maysville | (606) 301-6109 |
John Klee | AA-Business Transfer | Schedule with John | Maysville | (606) 301-6106 |
Dallas McKinney | AAS-Criminal Justice | Schedule with Dallas | Montgomery/All | (859) 274-9635 |
Dr. Jerry Napier | AA-History | Schedule with Jerry | Licking Valley | (859) 569-4759 |
Garon Overley | AA-English | Schedule with Garon | Rowan | (606) 780-6368 |
Deri Pryor | AA-English | Schedule with Deri | Montgomery | (859) 274-9646 |
Mary Jane Sharp | AA-Psychology | Schedule with Mary Jane | Maysville | (606) 301-6187 |
Melinda Walker | AA-Psychology | Schedule with Melinda | Licking Valley | (859) 569-4768 |
Brianna Whitten | AA-English | Schedule with Brianna | Maysville | (606) 301-6171 |
Dr. Aaron McCullough | AA-English | Schedule with Aaron | Licking Valley | (859) 569-4751 |
Name | Area | Link to Schedule an Appointment | Campus | Phone Extension |
Jennifer Adler | Science | Schedule with Jennifer A. | Licking Valley | (859) 569-4758 |
Elizabeth Dement | Science | Schedule with Liz | Rowan | (606) 780-6356 |
Kyle Franz | Mathematics | Schedule with Kyle | Montgomery | (859) 274-9636 |
Dr. Angela Fultz | Division Chair | Schedule with Angela | Rowan | (606) 301-6133 |
Charles Lykins | Mathematics | Schedule with Charles | Montgomery | (859) 274-9634 |
Elena May | Mathematics | Schedule with Elena | Rowan | (606) 780-6358 |
John Scott Miller | Science | Schedule with John Scott | Maysville | (606) 301-6136 |
Brenda Moore | Mathematics | Schedule with Brenda | Licking Valley | (859) 569-5754 |
Marty Muenks | Mathematics | Schedule with Marty | Licking Valley | (859) 569-4766 |
Channing Richardson | Science | Schedule with Channing | Rowan | (606) 780-6305 |
Dr. Christopher Sears | Mathematics | Schedule with Christopher | Maysville | (606) 301-6154 |
Thomas Sloas | Science | Schedule with Thomas | Montgomery | (859) 274-9644 |
Justin Weiss | Science | Schedule with Justin | Maysville | (606) 301-6128 |
Sharon Wilson | Science | Schedule with Sharon | Maysville | (606) 301-6170 |
Rena Zanakis | Mathematics | Schedule with Rena | Maysville | (606) 301-6194 |
Name | Area | Link to Schedule an Appointment | Campus | Phone Extension |
Trevor Applegate | CIT | Schedule with Trevor | Maysville | (606) 301-6139 |
Melissa Bishop | AOT, MIT | Schedule with Missy | Maysville | (859) 569-4769 |
Barbara Goldman | Culinary Arts | Schedule with Barbara | Maysville | (606) 564-9992 |
Daphne Hilterbrand | Business Studies | Schedule with Daphne | Rowan | (606) 780-6333 |
Natasha Maddox | BAS-Accounting, Human Resource | Schedule with Natasha | Maysville | (606) 301-6162 |
Mike McNutt | CIT | Schedule with Mike | Maysville | (606) 301-6145 |
Wendy Noble |
BAS-Management, |
Schedule with Wendy | Maysville | (606) 301-6160 |
Jennifer Ouderkirk | AOT, MIT | Schedule with Jennifer O. | Rowan | (859) 274-9631 |
Terry Pasley | CIT | Schedule with Terry | Maysville | (606) 301-6153 |
Rebecca Pugh | Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Ed | Schedule with Rebecca | Maysville/All | (606) 301-6121 |
Sharon Staviski | CIT | Schedule with Sharon | Rowan | (606) 780-6318 |
Tara Thornberry | BAS-Management | Schedule with Tara | Maysville | (606) 301-6132 |
Name | Area | Link to Schedule an Appointment | Campus | Phone Extension |
Hillary Poe | RN | Licking Valley | (859) 569-4776 | |
Tammy Burns | LPN | Schedule with Tammy | Maysville | (606) 301-6079 |
Brandi Chapman | RN | Schedule with Brandi | Licking Valley | (859) 569-4753 |
Lauren Donovan | PTA | Schedule with Lauren | Montgomery | (859) 274-9622 |
Alex Watt |
RN | Schedule with Alex | Maysville | (606) 301-6052 |
Jennifer Garner | RN | Schedule with Jennifer G. | Rowan | (606) 780-6361 |
Dawn Greenfield | LPN | Schedule with Dawn | Rowan | (606) 780-6331 |
Neil Crossen | RN | Schedule with Neil | Maysville | (606) 301-6181 |
Julia McGowan | RN | Schedule with Julia | Maysville | (606) 301-6150 |
Melanie Morris | RN | Schedule with Melanie | Licking Valley | (859) 569-4767 |
Emily Norris | PTA | Schedule with Emily | Montgomery | (859) 274-9626 |
Diana Reeder | Medical Assisting | Schedule with Diana | Rowan | (606) 780-6363 |
Kim Stauffer | PN | Schedule with Kim | Maysville | (606) 301-6179 |
Michelle Thoroughman | MLT | Schedule with Michelle | Maysville | (606) 301-6077 |
Jacquelyn Tumlin | MNA/NAA | Schedule with Jacquelyn | Maysville | (606) 301-6144 |
Jennifer Mawk | RN | Schedule with Jennifer M. | Montgomery | (859) 274-9638 |
Donnie Fryman | HST | Schedule with Donnie | Maysville | (606) 301-6123 |
Harley Wenz | RN | Schedule with Harley | Maysville | (606) 301-6161 |
Marlene Vice | Respiratory Care | Schedule with Marlene | Rowan | (606) 780-6308 |
Name | Area | Link to Schedule an Appointment | Campus | Phone Extension |
Kenneth Barnett | CMM | Schedule with Kenneth | Rowan | (606) 780-6336 |
Robbie Graves | Industrial Maintenance | Schedule with Robbie | Maysville | (859) 274-9621 |
Robert Hamm | HVAC | Schedule with Rob | Rowan | (606) 780-6373 |
David Hatton | Industrial Maintenance | Schedule with David | Maysville | (859) 274-9647 |
Adam Hawkins | HVAC | Schedule with Adam | Montgomery | (859) 274-9629 |
Todd Johnson | Automotive | Schedule with Todd | Rowan | (606) 780-6346 |
Ryan Morgan | Welding | Schedule with Ryan | Maysville | (606) 301-6159 |
Gordon Jones | Industrial Maintenance | Schedule with Gordon | Rowan | (606) 301-6151 |
Tyler Newsom | Welding | Schedule with Tyler | Rowan | (606) 780-6347 |
Preston Netherly | Diesel | Schedule with Preston | Rowan | (606) 780-6341 |
Nicholas Pecco | Welding | Schedule with Nick | Rowan | (606) 780-6348 |
Brandin Perkins | Electrical | Schedule with Brandin | Rowan | (606) 780-6343 |
TJ Wallace | Construction | Schedule with Terry W. | Rowan | (606) 780-6332 |
Name | Link to Schedule an Appointment | Campus | Phone Extension |
Martha Muenks | Schedule with Marty | Maysville | (859) 569-4766 |