Business & IT | MCTC

All Campuses Remote on Wednesday, February 19

Due to winter weather, all MCTC campuses will operate remotely on Wednesday, February 19. All campus buildings will be closed. Student services and classes will operate remotely. If you have questions about coursework, please contact your instructors.

Business & IT

  1. CIT 105: Introduction to Computers OR
    OST 105: Intro. to Information Systems
  2. BAS 160: Introduction to Business
  3. ACC 201: Financial Accounting
  4. CIT 130: Productivity Software OR
    OST 240: Software Integration OR
    BAS 110: Worksheets in Business Application
  5. ECO 101: Contemporary Economic Issues


  6. ACT 196: Payroll Accounting
  7. ACT 279: Computerized Accounting Systems


  8. BAS 120: Personal Finance
  9. ACC 202: Managerial Accounting


  10. ENG 101: Writing I
    COM 181: Basic Public Speaking
    COM 252: Intro to Interpersonal Communication


This pathway leads to 9 tracks; however, not all tracks are available at all institutions teaching Business Administration Courses.

  • Accounting
  • Business Management
  • Equine Business Management
  • Hospitality Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Informatics
  • Management
  • Marketing & Retailing
  • Office Systems
  • Real Estate Management

Additional courses will be added when curriculum is updated

  1. CIT 105: Introduction to Computers
    OST 105: Introduction to Information Systems
  2. BAS 160: Introduction to Business
  3. ACC 201: Financial Accounting
  4. BAS 282: 
    Principles of Marketing
  5. ECO 101: Contemporary Economic Issues
    Certificate: General Business Certificate
  6. BAS 283 Principles of Management
  7. Track Specific Course
  8. Track Specific Course
  9. Track Specific Course
  10. ENG 101: Writing I
    COM 181: Basic Public Speaking
    COM 252: Intro to Interpersonal Communication

This pathway leads to 8 tracks; however, not all tracks are available at all intuitions teaching Computer Information Technology Courses.

  • Business Software & Support
  • Data Center Technologies
  • Information Security
  • Internet Technologies
  • Network Administration
  • Network Technologies
  • Programming
  • Video Game Design
  1. CIT 105: Introduction to Computers
    A+ Prep
  2. CIT 111: Computer Hardware & Software
  3. CIT 170: Database Design Fundamentals 
  4. CIT 160:
    Intro to Networking Concepts OR
    CIT 161:
    Introduction to Networks
    Certificate: Computer Tech Basic
  5. MAT 126 Technical Algebra Trigonometry (or higher)
  6. CIT 180: Security Fundamentals
    Certificate: Security Prep + AND Computer Technician
  7. CIT 120: Computational Thinking
  8. CIT 144: Python  I
    Certificate: CIT Fundamentals
  9. TBD by Track
  10. ENG 101: Writing I