Two-Year Action Plan | MCTC

All Campuses Remote on Wednesday, February 19

Due to winter weather, all MCTC campuses will operate remotely on Wednesday, February 19. All campus buildings will be closed. Student services and classes will operate remotely. If you have questions about coursework, please contact your instructors.

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Two-Year Action Plan

Building Kentucky's Talent Pipeline

The KCTCS Strategic Plan 2022–2026 focuses on three core goals with associated objectives and performance measures that provide a roadmap for the next four years to better the lives of Kentuckians.

Central to the plan is to "Ensure Diverse, Equitable, And Inclusive Campus Communities."

This priority is infused in all goals and objectives and reflects KCTCS' commitment to closing educational achievement gaps for traditionally underserved populations and to diversifying Kentucky's workforce. In support of this priority, deep data dives will uncover gaps to ensure accountability and continuous improvement.

Goals & Strategies for 2024-2026

Increase Learner Success

Objective 1.1

Grow enrollment at MCTC to meet the needs of our service region by expanding the number and diversity of learners achieving their career and lifelong learning goals.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI):

Academic Year Enrollment: Unduplicated total enrollment headcount (for credit) in most recently completed academic year (summer, fall, spring)

Action Plan Strategies: Increase the matriculation rates of dual credit students to MCTC through enhanced engagement with secondary partners and stakeholders.

Action Plan Tactics:

  1. Continue registration events at local high schools.
  2. Increase faculty contact with dual credit advisors regarding credentialing, syllabi, and course expectations.
  3. Develop Onboarding process for dual credit instructors.
  4. Maintain a strong presence with regional high schools and ATCs through targeted marketing, outbound communication, school visits, and special events to attract and engage high school students, especially dual credit students.
  5. Create comprehensive career and technical program pathway advising plans to enhance dual credit advising and facilitate seamless matriculation for students. These plans will outline clear course sequences, prerequisites, and credit transfer policies.

Accountability Measure(s):

Performance Metric:

  • Dual Credit Matriculation to Credential-Seeking (within 1 and 3 Years of High School Graduation)

Responsible Department/Unit: Academic Services & Enrollment Services

Action Plan Strategies: Identify and scale effective enrollment management practices to grow enrollment through enhanced collaboration and the sharing of best practices.

Action Plan Tactics:

  1. Continue the “accelerated admissions” process to simplify the admissions process and remove barriers to enrollment.
  2. Continue the Fresh Start Debt Payback Program to assist stop-out students who have a prior balance apply, enroll, and complete.
  3. Implement a comprehensive Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to enhance enrollment management, streamline communication, and improve collaboration across departments.

Accountability Measure(s):

Performance Metric:

  • Credential-Seeking Applicant to Enrollment Yield Rate

Responsible Department/Unit: Enrollment Services

Action Plan Strategies: Increase enrollment by expanding accelerated and flexible delivery models such as competency-based education, credit for prior learning, and targeted educational programs (correctional populations, incumbent workers, apprenticeships, etc.).

Action Plan Tactics:

  1. Compare enrollments for programs as they shift modality (e.g., paramedic)
  2. Academic division will collaborate with the Director of Prison Education and Department of Corrections to optimize course and program offerings
  3. Explore opportunities to pilot competency-based education opportunities.
  4. Explore opportunities to expand accelerated and flexible delivery education opportunities.
  5. Implement new programs in accordance with the Title III grant.
  6. Partner with the Kentucky Department of Corrections to continue the Second Chance Pell (SCP) experimental site program at EKCC through 2024-25 and gain approval to transition to a Prison Education Program (PEP).
  7. Collaborate with Academics to increase CPL and apprenticeships

Accountability Measure(s):

Performance Metric:

  • Total Fall Enrollment
  • Adult (Aged 25+) Fall Enrollment
  • Low-Income Fall Enrollment

Responsible Department/Unit: Academic Services, Enrollment Services & Workforce Solutions

Objective 1.2

Leverage proven practices to increase learner success through the completion of credential pathways and (credit and non-credit) industry training, including:

  • transfer to four-year institutions (bachelors to employment)
  • employment entry, re-entry, or upskilling

Key Performance Indicator (KPI):

Two-Year Persistence Rate: Unduplicated percentage of students entering in the fall semester who earn a credential at the initial institution by the end of the following academic year, transfer by the end of the following academic year, or are still enrolled at the initial institution at any time during the following academic year

Action Plan Strategies: Leverage enhanced data collection mechanisms to more quickly identify and support students facing nonacademic barriers that may impede their ability to earn a credential and reach their educational goals.

Action Plan Tactics:

  1. Regularly monitor data from the KCTCS College Success Survey, the MCTC Student Well-Being Request Form, and Starfish early alert system to identify and support students with non-academic challenges (such as financial, mental health, or housing needs).
  2. Collaborate with community organizations and service providers to expand access to external resources that support students in overcoming non-academic barriers, such as financial assistance, food security programs, and mental and physical healthcare services.

Accountability Measure(s):

Performance Metrics:

  • In-Semester Retention of Students with Nonacademic Barriers
  • Fall-to-Spring Retention of Students with Nonacademic Barriers

Responsible Department/Unit: Enrollment Services

Action Plan Strategies: Increase transfer rates of MCTC graduates to four-year institutions by advancing transfer tracking and planning practices across the student journey from application to credential completion.

Action Plan Tactics:

  1. Advertise focused transfer pathways.
  2. Promote the advantage of general education certification.
  3. Provide specific training for advisors.
  4. Maintain a high level of dialogue with transfer partners.

Accountability Measure(s):

Performance Metric:

  • Transfer Rates of AA/AS Graduates (within 1 and 3 Years of Graduation)

Responsible Department/Unit: Academic Services

Action Plan Strategies: Increase student persistence and completion rates through the implementation of effective and technology-supported practices in holistic career and academic advising and student support services.

Action Plan Tactics:

  1. Continue to implement KES and RSI reviews for online quality control.
  2. Use Starfish to alert success coaches for appropriate interventions.
  3. Monitor course completion rates each semester for both positive and negative trends.
  4. Continue “Getting to Zero” case management process for credential-seeking and visiting students and expand to dual credit and R2T4 students. Ensure need-based financial aid and scholarships are awarded in compliance with MCTC, KCTCS, state, and federal regulations to support student access and affordability.
  5. Bring about awareness of and implement UConnect across the college.

Accountability Measure(s):

Performance Metrics:

  • Fall-to-Spring Retention Rates

Responsible Department/Unit: Academic Services, Enrollment Services & Career Services

Increase Employment Success

Objective 2.1

Expand workforce training to ensure skilled talent to meet employer and economic development needs.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI):

Targeted Industry Sector Credentials: Credentials awarded in academic programs aligned with the Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board’s Targeted Industry Sectors (Healthcare; Manufacturing, Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics; Information Technology, Business, and Finance; and Construction)

Action Plan Strategies: Utilize labor market demand data to refine and streamline technical programs at MCTC to better customize training for employers and meet high-quality job opportunities in real time.

Action Plan Tactics:

  1. Hold Advisory Board meetings each semester to gather industry input.
  2. Alter curriculum as necessary based on industry feedback.
  3. Collaborate with Academics to increase customized training opportunities targeted to industry sector populations.
  4. Provide Quarterly Asset Report on SharePoint.

Accountability Measure(s):

Performance Metrics:

  • TIS Enrollment
  • Total Companies Served through Customized Training

Responsible Department/Unit: Academic Services & Workforce Solutions

Action Plan Strategies: Implement a comprehensive career development strategy to assist MCTC students in identifying and aligning their academic and career goals through strategic exposure, experience, and access.

Action Plan Tactics:

  1. Establish baseline for work-based learning.
  2. Increase Am I Job Ready (AIJR) usage in relevant courses.

Accountability Measure(s):

Performance Metrics:

  • CCSSE Items on Career Development

Responsible Department/Unit: President's Office & Career Services Office

Objective 2.2

Strengthen industry and transfer partnerships to enhance programs and improve speed to work to ensure a skilled talent pipeline to grow the economy of our service region.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI):

Post-KCTCS/MCTC Outcomes: Percentage of non-returning credential earners (degree, diploma, certificate) in one academic year that enroll at a four-year institution or are employed and earn a wage greater than or equal to the federal poverty level in the following academic year

Action Plan Strategies: Increase workforce and talent development initiatives by strengthening partnerships with business, industry, and key stakeholders, including programs such as Education First Employers and KY-TRAINS.

Action Plan Tactics:

  1. Increase the number of Education First Employers
  2. Promote MCTC’s work-based learning initiative

Accountability Measure(s):

Performance Metrics:

  • Number of TRAINS Projects
  • New vs. Returning TRAINS Companies
  • TRAINS Enrollment
  • Number of Education First Employers
  • Number of Total Employer Partnerships
  • Qualitative Updates

Responsible Department/Unit: President's Office & Workforce Solutions

Action Plan Strategies: Align curriculum through the implementation of an industry-driven technical program review and alignment process and develop a transfer program/pathway review and alignment process that engages state transfer partners.

Action Plan Tactics:

  1. Collaborate with System Office and Director of Curriculum Alignment and Credit Mobility to review technical programs.
  2. Incorporate the CPE 10 Essential Skills into the courses and programs.
  3. Seek out opportunities to implement additional for credit certificate programs.

Accountability Measure(s):

Performance Metrics:

  • Number of Reviews/Alignments Completed
  • Number of Businesses Engaged

Responsible Department/Unit: Academic Services, President's Office & Workforce Solutions

Increase Organization Success

Objective 3.1

Invest in human, physical, and operational infrastructure to promote long-term sustainability.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI):

Employee Retention Rate: The retention rate of regular MCTC employees during the academic year

Action Plan Strategies: 

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Accountability Measure(s):

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Accountability Measure(s):

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Responsible Department/Unit: 

Objective 3.2

Expand recognition of the value of MCTC.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI):

Alternative Revenue: Relationships and partnerships formed. Annual dollar amount of financial contributions from donations, grants and other external sources and endowment income. 

Action Plan Strategies: Advance the standing of MCTC as the first and most affordable higher education choice in our service region through targeted marketing and recruitment efforts.

Action Plan Tactics:

  1. Promote the college and its affordability through public relations activities including:
    • Cultivating relationships with program coordinators
    • Enhancing partnerships with media partners
    • Attending community events
    • Assisting in promotion of college events to raise awareness and engagement.
  2. Write and distribute a minimum of forty-eight press releases celebrating the successes of students or alumni in various programs and emphasizing the affordability of MCTC.
  3. Identify and target underrepresented potential student populations to educate them on the value of the college.
  4. Use shared web services to organize, streamline and update college website.

Accountability Measure(s):

Performance Metric:

  • Net Price & Affordability

Responsible Department/Unit: Business and Administrative Services

Action Plan Strategies: Reduce costs to maximize the use of tuition and taxpayer dollars by leveraging the buying power of the system and consolidating vendors and contracts.

Action Plan Tactics:

  1. Continue working with System Office to utilize vendors with state contract pricing whenever possible.
  2. Bulk purchase with other KCTCS colleges whenever possible to minimize cost.

Accountability Measure(s):

Performance Metric:

  • Qualitative Updates

Responsible Department/Unit: Business and Administrative Services

Action Plan Strategies: Implement a plan to increase revenue generation through strategic and recurring investments by engaging legislators and business leaders and demonstrating through data the ways MCTC can contribute to the accomplishment of shared goals.

Action Plan Tactics:

  1. Raise a minimum of $500,000 in support of college-wide programming projects, student emergency funds, and scholarships through the MCTC Foundation.
  2. Raise $50,000 for student emergency needs to assist with student retention and success.
  3. Search out grant funding opportunities and submit at least six proposals to support the college mission.

Accountability Measure(s):

Performance Metric:

  • Alternative Revenue

Responsible Department/Unit: Business and Administrative Services