The KCTCS Strategic Plan 2022–2026 focuses on three core goals with associated objectives and performance measures that provide a roadmap for the next four years to better the lives of Kentuckians.
Central to the plan is to "Ensure Diverse, Equitable, And Inclusive Campus Communities."
This priority is infused in all goals and objectives and reflects KCTCS' commitment to closing educational achievement gaps for traditionally underserved populations and to diversifying Kentucky's workforce. In support of this priority, deep data dives will uncover gaps to ensure accountability and continuous improvement.
Grow enrollment at MCTC to meet the needs of our service region by expanding the number and diversity of learners achieving their career and lifelong learning goals.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI): Academic Year Enrollment
Action Plan Strategies: Implement marketing and recruiting strategies to increase interest among prospective students and enrollment, with a special focus on adult and underrepresented populations.
Action Plan Tactics:
Accountability Measure(s):
Responsible Department/Unit: Business Services & Enrollment Services
Action Plan Strategies: Simplify enrollment processes to make higher education more accessible.
Action Plan Tactics:
Accountability Measure(s): Leads received and applied rate by term
Responsible Department/Unit: Business Services & Enrollment Services
Leverage proven practices to increase learner success through the completion of credential pathways and (credit and non-credit) industry training, including:
Key Performance Indicator (KPI): Two-Year Persistence Rate
Action Plan Strategies: Develop high-quality, flexible program delivery models, online and face-to-face, that are relevant and scalable to increase program recruitment, retention, and completion.
Action Plan Tactics:
Accountability Measure(s): Two-Year Persistence Rate: Unduplicated percentage of students entering in the fall semester who earn a credential at the initial institution by the end of the following academic year, transfer by the end of the following academic year, or are still enrolled at the initial institution at any time during the following academic year
Responsible Department/Unit: Academic Services & Enrollment Services
Action Plan Strategies: Leverage guided pathways proven practices (recruitment to completion) to provide wrap-around learner services focused on successful transfer and/or employment.
Action Plan Tactics:
Accountability Measure(s):
Responsible Department/Unit: Academic Services & Enrollment Services
Expand workforce training to ensure skilled talent to meet employer and economic development needs.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI): Targeted Industry Sector Credentials
Action Plan Strategies: Develop or enhance work-based learning opportunities (short- and long-term) for each technical program of study to include apprenticeships, FAME-like models, internships, and clinicals.
Action Plan Tactics:
Accountability Measure(s): Targeted Industry Sector Credentials: Credentials awarded in academic programs aligned with the Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board’s Targeted Industry Sectors (Healthcare; Manufacturing, Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics; Information Technology, Business, and Finance; and Construction)
Responsible Department/Unit: Academic Services
Action Plan Strategies: Increase Workforce Solutions market penetration/expansion and business portfolio.
Action Plan Tactics:
Accountability Measure(s): Targeted Industry Sector Credentials: Credentials awarded in academic programs aligned with the Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board’s Targeted Industry Sectors (Healthcare; Manufacturing, Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics; Information Technology, Business, and Finance; and Construction)
Responsible Department/Unit: Academic Services
Strengthen industry and transfer partnerships to enhance programs and improve speed to work to ensure a skilled talent pipeline to grow the economy of our service region.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI): Post-KCTCS/MCTC Outcomes
Action Plan Strategies: Implement fair, equitable, and streamlined processes for awarding Credit for Prior Learning consistently across all Colleges through work with curriculum committees, employers, and other stakeholders.
Action Plan Tactics:
Accountability Measure(s): Post-KCTCS/MCTC Outcomes:
Responsible Department/Unit: Academic Services
Action Plan Strategies: Review/revise all general education and technical program/course competencies to ensure relevancy and alignment with transfer and workforce requirements.
Action Plan Tactics:
Accountability Measure(s):
Responsible Department/Unit: Academic Services
Action Plan Strategies: Develop a resource pool to link job seekers and employers.
Action Plan Tactics:
Accountability Measure(s): Handshake utilization numbers
Responsible Department/Unit: Academic Services
Invest in human, physical, and operational infrastructure to promote long-term sustainability.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI): Employee Retention Rate
Action Plan Strategies: Deploy strategies to recruit, retain, and develop MCTC employees, with a focus on increasing diversity.
Action Plan Tactics:
Accountability Measure(s):
Responsible Department/Unit: Business Services
Action Plan Strategies: Review the sustainability of operational facilities and develop and implement an asset preservation plan that invests in the physical and operational infrastructure of MCTC
Action Plan Tactics:
Accountability Measure(s):
Responsible Department/Unit: Operations
Expand recognition of the value of MCTC.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI): Alternative Revenue
Action Plan Strategies: Create and implement a continual and planned program for engaging influential and affluent constituents, legislators, and business & industry leaders in supporting MCTC through strategic and recurring investments.
Action Plan Tactics:
Accountability Measure(s):
Responsible Department/Unit: Business Services
Action Plan Strategies: Develop and produce a targeted communication plan that identifies key audience segments and influencers to increase overall awareness and value.
Action Plan Tactics:
Accountability Measure(s):
Responsible Department/Unit: Business Services