Farm and Family Night returns to MCTC for 14th year
Published on Feb 20, 2024
by Megan Smedley
Maysville Community and Technical College (MCTC) will be hosting the 14th Annual Farm & Family Night on Tuesday, March 5 from 4:30 P.M. to 9 P.M.
The event will take place on the Maysville Campus, located at 1755 U.S. Highway 68 Maysville, KY 41056.
Attendees will enjoy a variety of vendors as well as a free meal.
Admission is free; however, dinner tickets must be picked up from local extension offices, the MCTC Workforce Solutions office, Mason County Farm Bureau, or the Maysville Chamber of Commerce.
The welcome session is slated to begin at 6 P.M. in Field’s Auditorium, with messages from Dr. Laura McCullough, MCTC President & CEO; Joe Koch. Meadowview Regional Medical Center CEO; and keynote speaker, Brian Baldridge, Director of the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
Early door prize drawings will also take place during the welcome session. Winners must be present to collect their prize.
Concurrent sessions on livestock, pest management, horticulture, cattle, agribusiness, cooking, health and more will begin at 6:45 P.M. followed by the traditional cookie and milk break sponsored by the Dairy Farmers of America and MCTC Culinary Arts program at 7:30 P.M.
Final concurrent sessions are scheduled from 7:45 P.M to 8:30 P.M.
The closing remarks and awarding of the final door prizes will conclude the evening in Fields Auditorium at 8:45 P.M.
This year’s grand prize giveaway is a Pit Bull Gas Grill and Lincoln cooler donated by Rural King.
Partners in the annual event include the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Services from Mason, Robertson, Bracken, Lewis, Nicholas, and Fleming Counties, MCTC Workforce Solutions, Maysville Area Chamber of Commerce, Kentucky Farm Bureau, and The OSU College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Science.
Evening highlights will include over 30 vendors.
Youth classes for ages 8-18 include Preparing Your Livestock Project (4-H Youth can earn livestock credit hours) with Samantha Saunders or 4-H Youth Development Naturally Fun – with Fun Hands-On Activities with North Central 4-H Camp Staff.
For ages 2 – 7, Parent and Me class, Let’s Get Ready for Spring taught by MCTC faculty member Rebecca Pugh will be available.
Blood pressure checks will be provided by MCTC nursing students, and attendees young and old will not want to miss the Rural King baby chick exhibit.
Farm & Family night is made possible by generous sponsors dedicated to the future of agriculture throughout the region.
Meadowview Regional Medical Center will once again be the title sponsor for this event.
Other sponsors include Rip’s Farm Center, Primary Plus, Fleming Mason Energy, Blue Grass Stockyards of Maysville, Bracken Co Farm Bureau, Mason Co Farm Bureau, Lewis Co. Farm Bureau, Hinton Mills, EnviroFlight, Mitsubishi, Community Trust Bank of Flemingsburg, Farm Credit, Mid-America, Stober Drive, and The Bank of Maysville.
For more information, email Gwyn Gallenstein.