MCTC hosts in-service day, a celebration of faculty and staff successes
September 5, 2023
by Megan Smedley
Maysville Community and Technical College (MCTC) faculty and staff gathered on Friday, August 25 for Fall 2023 in-service to celebrate and share college updates.
Employees announced their 4DX (the four disciplines of execution) teams and goals and celebrated the successes of that initiative.
Campus leaders provided updates and awards for faculty promotion and years of service were also announced.
Years of service awards are determined by fiscal year.
5-year recipients included Channing Richardson, Marlene Lykins, Hannah Thornton, Liz Dement, Tyler Newsome, Amanda Conley, Emma Lawson, Kelly Barnett, Preston Netherly, Mary Morris, Jerry Morrison, and Terry Wallace.
10-year recipients included Kathy Linville, Tracie Stamper, Adam Hawkins, Chris Morris, Michelle Thoroughman, Lennie Kinney, Natasha Maddox, Teresa Duncan, Jennifer Ouderkirk, and Natalee Brown.
15-year recipients included Lauren Gillis and Jack Ginn.
20-year recipients included Shannon Irish, Vicky Oney, Deanna Butler, Carla Redden, and Debbie Gill.
25-year recipients included Martha Muenks, Pamela Stafford, and Lisa Back.
Terry Pasley was recognized for thirty years of service and Barb Campbell was recognized for forty years of service.
The following faculty members received promotions during the 2022-23 fiscal year:
Professor: Carla Redden, Elena May, and John Scott Miller
Associate Professor: James Channing Richardson, Missy Bishop, and Rena Zanakis
Assistant Professor: Garon Overley, Jacquelyn Tumlin, Jennifer Garner, Kyle Franz, and Matthew Watkins
Tenure Only: Jennifer Adler
Awards from participation in various KCTCS programs were also presented:
KCTCS Innovative Educator: The Innovative Educator Academy is an innovation think-tank that empowers participants to use innovative methods, strategies, and tools to identify challenges, generate ideas, and implement solutions within a collegial network. This year’s Innovative Educator Academy participant was Trevor Applegate.
The Faculty Institute on Teaching (FIT): FIT is a year-long competency-based professional development program tailored to support and empower new faculty members as they embark on their journey in higher education teaching, with a specific focus on Career and Technical Education (CTE) across all KCTCS colleges. This comprehensive program guarantees 40 hours of systemwide professional development and guidance to ease the transition into the realm of teaching.
Participants in FIT were: Brandi Chapman, Daphne Hilterbrand, Alex Watt, and Matthew Watkins. FIT coaches were Missy Bishop and Tammy Burns.
The KCTCS Leader Enrichment and Development (LEAD) Academy is designed to strengthen and develop KCTCS faculty and staff aspiring to become transformational leaders in higher education by providing opportunities for leadership exploration, growth, reflection, and awareness. The LEAD Academy seeks to cultivate an internal pipeline of qualified talent for future roles in educational leadership preparing faculty and staff for leadership roles and developing the skills necessary to overcome the many challenges leaders face in the ever-changing educational landscape.
Participants in the LEAD Academy were Dr. Dana Calland, Amanda Conley, Deri Pryor, and Emma Lawson.
KOOL Academy (KA) is a yearlong cohort-based program to prepare faculty to make evidence-supported, intentional decisions regarding the design and delivery of their instruction. During that time, participants follow a curriculum based on the categories of the Blackboard Exemplary Course Program (ECP) Rubric. It covers course design, interaction and collaboration, assessment, and learner support. The Academy is set up as a mix of primarily asynchronous group instruction and one-on-one mentoring where participants are matched with an instructional consultant.
The KA2022 Cohort was Trevor Applegate, Brandi Chapman, Jennifer Adler, and Carla Redden.
Missy Bishop was a participant in the KA2023 cohort.