Moran joins MCTC Board of Directors, Rhodes term comes to close
October 3, 2023
by Megan Smedley
Maysville Community and Technical College (MCTC) held its quarterly Board of Directors meeting on Sept. 22.
Prior to the meeting, Kinley Moran was sworn in as the student representative on the Board. Moran is from Maysville and is planning to complete her Associate of Science degree in December.
After graduating from MCTC, Moran plans to attend Shawnee State University and work toward a career in Occupational Therapy.
Board Chair Lisa McCane also announced that last month’s meeting would be the final
meeting for David Rhodes, who has completed a six-year term with the Board.
“Serving on this Board has been a great opportunity, and one I have enjoyed,” said Rhodes. “MCTC is headed in the right direction, and the leadership team is coming together and seeing positive results.”
Board member Monica Hill also completed her term last month.
During the meeting, Lisa McCane was re-elected as Board Chair, and Annette Walters was named Vice Chair. Staff representative Millicent Harding-Thomas will continue her service as secretary for the Board.
MCTC faculty representative, Justin Weiss, was selected to serve on the budget subcommittee.
The following MCTC employees provided reports to the Board: Dr. Laura McCullough, President/CEO; Dr. Dana Calland, Chief Academic Officer; Barb Campbell, Chief Business Affairs Officer; Jessica Kern, Chief Officer of Enrollment and Student Services; Cara Clarke, Director of Advancement; Megan Smedley, Director of Public Relations and Alumni Engagement; Mary Morris, Marketing Manager, Lauren Gillis, Director of Admissions & Licking Valley Campus Director; Rebecca Morton, Director of Work-Based Learning & Montgomery Campus Director; Pam Stafford, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness & Maysville Campus Director; Vicky Oney, Human Resources Coordinator & Rowan Campus Director; Millicent Harding-Thomas, Director of Cultural Diversity; Justin Weiss, Professor in Mathematics & Science; Rena Zanakis, Associate Professor in Mathematics & Science; and Sandy Power, Director of Financial Aid.
The next meeting of the MCTC Board of Directors will be held at 11:30 AM on December 12 following the college’s holiday party at Double S Entertainment Bowling Alley in Flemingsburg.