Practical Nursing Estimated Program Fees
The student is responsible for all tuition, fees, books, uniforms, equipment, and transportation costs.
Name of Fee | Cost |
Textbooks ($915 Required, $135 optional first semester) | $800.00 |
Nurse Kit (one time) | $350.00 |
ATI Access/Swift River (per semester) Note: Additional charges may be necessary. | $800.00 |
ExamSoft (per semester) | $120.00 |
Name of Fee | Cost |
Uniforms/Lab Coats/Shoes | $150.00 |
Cap (1) | $25.00 |
Name of Fee | Cost |
CastleBranch (background check, drug screen, subscription, and compliance tracker) | $117.00 |
Immunizations/Bloodwork * | $70.00 |
Liability Insurance (per semester) | $11.00 |
Stethoscope | $25.00 |
Watch (with second hand) | $40.00 |
Blood Pressure Cuff | $30.00 |
Scissors | $7.00 |
* Meadowview Regional Medical Center fee scale |
Name of Fee | Cost |
State Licensure Examination-Kentucky (NCLEX) | $350.00 |
Cap/Gown/Tassel & Diploma Cover Fee | $75.00 |
Graduation Pictures (optional) | $30.00 |
Nursing Pin (dependent on price of gold) | $100.00 |
Name of Fee | Cost |
Student Nurse Organization (optional) |
- Meadowview Regional Medical Center
- Eastern State Hospital
- Ohio Valley Manor
- Maysville Nursing & Rehabilitation Facility
- Fleming County Hospital
- Pioneer Trace Nursing Home
- St. Claire Regional Medical Center
- Southwest Regional Medical Center
- Bourbon General Hospital
- Harrison Memorial Hospital
- Various Community Centers
- Windsor Care
- Robertson County Nursing Home
- Pioneer Trace
*Various other Clinical Sites/Note Clinical Sites Subject to Change