How to Pay for the TEAS Assessment
The ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (ATI TEAS) Assessment measures your general knowledge in various content areas. Your performance indicates your readiness to begin a course of healthcare studies and is a predictive measure of your future success.
ATI has made it possible for students to pay for an individual ATI TEAS Assessment via the ATI Web site at the time of testing.
Complete the following steps to pay at the time of your assessment:
- STEP 1: Enter the Assessment ID
- STEP 2: Enter the payment information
- STEP 3: Access the Assessment
- STEP 4: Take the ATI TEAS Assessment
- STEP 5: Complete the ATI TEAS Assessment
Related Documents
- How to purchase a TEAS Transcript
- How to Take the ATI TEAS Assessment
- How to register for the ATI TEAS Assessment at a PSI Site
- Registering for the ATI TEAS Assessment at a non-PSI Site vs. a PSI Site
STEP 1 - Enter the Assessment ID
- On either the Student HOME page or MY ATI page, click Add Product in the upper right corner to open the Add Product window.
- On the Add Product window, enter the Assessment ID number provided by your proctor and click Continue to open the Product Details window.
- The Product Details window provides a description of your purchase, along with the price. Click Continue.
- If your testing institution is the only institution you want to have your results, skip this step. Otherwise, if you want additional institutions to receive your transcript, select one or more from the list. Click Continue.
- The Purchase Details window provides a summary of the name and price of the Proctored Assessment you are purchasing. Review this information to make sure it is correct. When you are finished reviewing the information, click Continue to pay.
Note: ATI offers reporting of TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) test results to schools as a convenience to health care program applicants. However, it is solely your responsibility to ensure that each of your school applications, as well as your TEAS test results, is complete, properly submitted, and on file with each such school. If you are taking the TEAS exam at a school testing facility, your test results are forwarded automatically to that school in addition to any other school(s) purchased on the Send Results window.
STEP 2 – Enter Payment Information
- Make sure the Shipping Address box is checked. Since no product is being physically shipped, the Billing Address and Shipping Address are the same.
- Verify that the address information from your account is
correct and then click Continue. - Double-check your Billing Address information. If necessary, click Edit Billing Address to make any changes.
- Enter your 16-digit Credit Card Number, your card’s Expiration Date. In the CVV Number field, enter the 3-digit security code from the back of your card.
- When you are sure all your information is correct, click Submit Order.
- The Order Summary window confirms your payment and payment details. To print a receipt, click Print Receipt, select your printer settings, if necessary, and then click Print. If the testing center doesn’t provide a printer, you will be e-mailed a copy of your receipt that you can printer at a later time. Click Close in the upper right corner to take your assessment.
STEP 3: Access the Assessment
- Next you will be presented with the Student Confidentiality Statement. Read all the instructions silently while your proctor reads them aloud.
- Select the I Agree check box indicating that you have read the confidentiality statement and agree to keep all contents of this assessment confidential. When you are ready to begin your assessment, notify your proctor.
- When your proctor approves you to begin, the START TEST button displays. Click START TEST to launch the assessment.
STEP 4: Take the ATI TEAS Assessment
- For the ATI TEAS assessment, all questions are multiple choice. In the upper right
corner, you will see your time remaining, the FLAG icon, and the online calculator.
- Click the Calculator icon to access the online calculator. You can drag the calculator to reposition it.
- Click FLAG to mark the question and continue to the next question without answering. The question is “flagged.” You can return to, and answer, your flagged questions at the end of your assessment.
- All questions are multiple choice:
- Radio buttons are placed to the left of each of your answer options.
- An answer is only submitted when you click CONTINUE.
- You can change your answer any number of times and to any option before you click CONTINUE.
- If you click outside the test area, a warning displays. Click Resume Test to continue.
- Note: After the third warning your assessment will be stopped.
STEP 5: Complete the ATI TEAS Assessment
- When you reach the last question of a section, the Section Completed! window displays.
- Click Go Back to Last Question to review the last question of the final section of the assessment.
- Click Proceed to Next Section to continue your assessment.
- Note: You cannot return to previously completed sections after you proceed with your assessment.
- When you reach the last question of your assessment, the Assessment Completed! window
- Click Go Back to Last Question to review the last question of the final section of the assessment.
- Click Finalize and View Results to complete your assessment.
- When you complete an ATI TEAS Assessment, your Individual Performance Profile (IPP)
launches in a new window. The IPP is your TEAS Score Report, summarizing the results
from your assessment.
- Click DOWNLOAD REPORT to view your results in a user-friendly PDF format that can be saved, printed, or e-mailed.
- Click Score Explanation to help you understand the information in the IPP and how your scores were calculated.
- Your IPP also provides your scores in the individual content areas, showing the number of questions you answered correctly and your scores as percentages.
- Your Individual Performance Profile can also be accessed from the MY RESULTS tab. Click an assessment’s link to view the IPP for that assessment.