Nursing Estimated Program Fees | MCTC

All Campuses Remote on Wednesday, February 19

Due to winter weather, all MCTC campuses will operate remotely on Wednesday, February 19. All campus buildings will be closed. Student services and classes will operate remotely. If you have questions about coursework, please contact your instructors.

Nursing Estimated Program Fees

The student is responsible for all tuition, fees, books, uniforms, equipment, and transportation costs.

PLEASE NOTE: Receipt of this program fees list is notification of approximate expenses and is subject to change.

MCTC Tuition & Costs

Lab, Technology, Internet, Parking, and Library Fees
Fee Cost
Textbooks $1,035.00
Nurse Kit (per semester) $237.00
ATI Access/Swift River (per semester) Note: Additional charges may be necessary. $635.00
ExamSoft (per semester) $50.00
Swift River (per semester) $100.00
Uniforms Cost
Uniforms/Lab Coats/Shoes $150.00
Cap (1) $25.00
Required Before Clinical Rotations Cost
CastleBranch (background check, drug screen, subscription, and compliance tracker) $109.00
Immunizations/Bloodwork * $70.00
Liability Insurance (per semester) $11.00
Stethoscope $25.00
Watch (with second hand) $40.00
Blood Pressure Cuff $30.00
Scissors $7.00
* Meadowview Regional Medical Center fee scale  
Graduation Expenses Cost
State Licensure Examination-Kentucky (NCLEX) $350.00
Cap/Gown/Tassel & Diploma Cover Fee $75.00
Graduation Pictures (optional) $30.00
Nursing Pin (dependent on price of gold) $100.00
Other Cost
Student Nurse Organization (optional)